PROBLEM: I like to give the impression that I am not technically challenged, but I really have a fear factor that lingers deep down within. If I think about it, I am actually letting this fear factor control me and attack my self confidence when it comes to modern day technology. I think the underlying fact is I am on information overload. Every time I think I have mastered one thing technically, something new comes along and I am back at square one.
SOLUTION: What I have discovered is there are tons of resources available to help with this challenge that I am facing. I am also finding out I am not alone in these challenges. So people need to know this is not as uncommon as I originally thought. There are others that are facing the same challenges I am. Once I discovered that it wasn't just me. I knew I was on my road to recovery. Now what I have to do is take action.
I find if I go back to my problem/solution steps I will be able to solve this. I always have to ask myself 3 simple questions:
So What?
Now What?
My "What?" in this situation: I acknowledge that I am having a problem with certain areas of technology.
My "So What?": I have to ask myself if the problems I am facing with technology are something that I can resolve, or should I engage in getting help from others who have the expertise to resolve my issues.
My "Now What?": I am going to analyze what is best for my situation. There are certain areas of technology that I feel very comfortable doing myself. But for those areas that have me challenged, and hold me back from successfully marketing my business and furthering my journey, I need to seriously think about hiring this portion out and leaving it to the experts.
Based on my above technology challenges I am going to take the following action:
Research where my current business needs are.
Talk with business associates to find out who they might recommend.
Within 30 days from today, hire the experts I need to get the ball rolling and my business marketing more successful.
I want to change my Tech NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO to Tech YES in no time.
This is a great Tip for all of you facing the same dilemmas on your journey to success.