Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Internal Ignition

Ladies and Gentlemen Start Your Engines.  I was doing some work this morning and remembered that I had promised a good friend that I would send him some information that I had put together regarding Leadership.  As I was looking through the information prior to sending it, I found some really good stuff.  I forgot that it was so inspirational.  I started reminiscing about the importance of quality leadership.  That is what has always inspired me.  That true to life leadership that many strive for, but often forget to implement.  Somehow it gave me a breath of fresh air to know that those key points I made way back when still apply today.  Here are a few miscellaneous key points I ran across that inspired me to write this blog:
  • It's not what you gather, but what you scatter
  • Give trust and encouraging feedback on TOP of your list as a leader
  • Listen don't lecture
  • View your entire group as a team
  • Don't expect respect just because you are the leader - EARN IT
  • Don't let battles escalate into wars
  • Get resolution quickly
  • Focus on actions not attitudes
  • Leaders turn a persons talent into performance
  • Focus on peoples strengths not weakness
There is so much more to share, but what little I have here should inspire anyone to go forth and look for that leader in you.  This can apply to anyone whether you are a leader or not.  Putting some of these key points to work for you just makes you a better person overall.  Whether you are a parent, a leader, co-worker, or friend this all should apply.  I was just inspired reading my own list and that makes me happy.  Sometimes we get so busy we forget some of the things that make us a better person.  Take the lead and make a difference today. 

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