Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Humor Me! Free Your Funny and Fuel Your Business

Humor Me!
Free Your Funny…..Fuel Your Business

Liberating your creative humorous self can be daunting.  The fear on utilizing humor in your conversations and business strategies is a skill that can really add an impact to your message.

Here are some of my secret tips I use when adding humor to my marketing messages:
·      Grab your customer’s attention by adding funny antidotes that specifically relate to the topic. 
o  Example if you are in a book club you might want to share this:  “I was reading a book the other day on Helium and I just couldn’t put it down.”
·      Humor breaks the ice and causes a reaction.  That reaction is laughter.
o  Example:  If you are at a function and don’t know many people, I often wear a red, very official looking badge that says…”Hi, I can’t remember your name either”
·      Laughter engages people and causes them to respond.
o  The response will generally be light and positive
o  In many instances people will share a funny story back to you and the conversation goes from there.

When I am crafting humor for my presentations here’s how what inspires me:
·      I tell a funny personal story specifically related to the subject at hand
o  Example:  As a trainer, I often advise leaders to take on more of a fun approach in the management of their staffs.  If they have a bad morale problem in the office, I have them schedule a Hokey Pokey Clinic, rather than a staff meeting.  Once the staff is gathered generally they will wonder what a Hokey Pokey Clinic is.  The leader would advise them that it’s a chance to “Turn Yourself Around”.  This will generally get a laugh and it opens the door to a positive approach to getting the morale back up.  Always include doing some fun things with the staff to ensure the positive approach, and the continued commitment to making a change.  I always ended the meetings with the staff putting their hands in the air and turning themselves around or if they are a really engaged group have them do the Hokey Pokey for the full effect.  Because (Wait for it)………”That’s what it’s all about!”
·      I make every effort to be sure what I am relating is positive.  Whenever possible I engage my audience by asking questions.
o  Example:  How many of you know the blood type of a pessimistic person?  Answer:  B Negative
·      One of my best tips is always be enthusiastic when you communicate.  If you are not excited about what you have to share no one else will pay attention.   
Finding your funny is key to what makes humor work for you.   Below I am going to share some of my secret resources for finding funny things and stories. 
·      Life is hysterical.  If you just watch people many times you will see things that just make you laugh. Whether you are in the grocery store, driving your car or just observing, things happen that are just plain funny.  You can’t make this stuff up. 
o  Example:  I was waiting at a red light next to a Walmart.  It was pouring down rain and as I looked over at the store parking lot, I noticed a man running out to his car with a giant T-Rex head on.  I guess he didn’t have an umbrella so he used the next best thing and put the T-Rex head on to protect him from the rain.  Now that was funny!  I immediately turned into the store parking lot, went in and purchased a T-Rex head just for my own personal use. (And of course while they were still in stock)  OK I admit it, I have already worn it through the drive through at Jack in the Box.
·      Watch funny videos on YouTube
·      Watch funny commercials
·      Read Funny cards at the store
·      Watch your favorite comedians on TV or Netflix
·      Watch cartoons rather than the news
All of these resources will inspire your creative side to add more humor to your life and business strategies.

So………….if it’s laughter you’re after, I have lots more to share on this topic of humor.  To get more information please join me and participate in my upcoming fun and engaging workshop Thursday, December 6, 2018 at the Hope Wellness Institute.

Humor Me! Free Your Funny…Fuel Your Business
DATE:  Thursday, 6 December 2018
TIME 6:30pm-8:00pm
FEE:  $5
LOCATION:  HOPE Wellness Institute
                    9801 Fair Oaks Blvd. #200
                       Fair Oaks, CA

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