Recently I have attended several training sessions that were amazing. From each training, or event I attend I always pick up a few special tips that I love incorporating into my FunSchway way of life. One of the tips I recently incorporated was that of always being ready. This was particularly important when it comes to public speaking. There may be many times when you are preparing for a presentation so much that you forget the importance of practicing your presentation and rehearsal.
The point that was being made in this presentation was that of practice as much as you can so that you are always ready whenever that opportunity presents itself. Whether you have a big presentation that is months away, try and get as many practice runs in as possible. Not all speaking engagements have to be paid. Even the free speeches will give you practice so that when the big event arrives you will be ready to make that event the best it can be. So here is the big tip..... Practice does not necessarily make it perfect, but it will provide you with a strong foundation that is sure to build your confidence and prepare you to be able to step up when the time is needed. You will have an opportunity to alleviate much of the anxiety that you would normally experience had you not practiced prior to the event. Never under estimate the ability to be "Ready Set"!
I agree!...practice is my best friend - I am not a good public speaker or presenter - but I do find the more I practice the more I know and feel comfortable with my material which then builds my confidence ...which is a great foundation to deliver!