Thursday, February 12, 2015

Attitude of Gratitude

I know there are often times when we get so wrapped up in the hustle and bustle of our daily routines that we forget just how good we have it.  I try to always stop for a moment and think about what I actually have.  Sometimes it is necessary to just stop for a moment.  We need to take the time to realize just how lucky we are.  We need to develop an appreciation for what we have not necessarily what we don't have.  I call this developing your "Attitude of Gratitude". 

Attitude is so key in our everyday life.  Each and every day, we have a choice of what our day is going to be like.  If we start the day off in a bad mood that can carry throughout the day and we can have just a horrible day.  But can you imagine if you were to take the time to chose a positive attitude first thing in the morning how great your day might be.  Even if you were to encounter obstacles during the day, you would be better equipped to get through them if you have the right attitude.

There are so many that have challenges we cannot even imagine.  This is why an attitude of gratitude is so important.  We should be thankful each and every day for what we have.

Here is a quick tip:  Even if you can't take 5 minutes a day to sit and reflect, try to steal a few moments out of your busy day to have an attitude of gratitude.  Sometimes when I get into my car and just sit there for a minute or two just to gather my thoughts and feed my attitude of gratitude.  I take a few minutes to take a deep breath, relax and just be thankful for what I have.

Your challenge is to try and see how you can steal a few moments for your self and develop your Attitude of Gratitude!

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