Thursday, November 6, 2014

Head Games

Have you ever started to question yourself over what decision you have made or where you are going in life?  I am here to tell you this is not odd or unusual.  We often go through self-examination which sometimes brings out self-doubt.  You begin to ask yourself questions like:

·      Am I really good enough to be doing what I am doing?

·      Should I really be in this position or role?

·      What if someone questions me, how will I be able to answer?

·      Should I have made a different career choice?

·      Am I really where I want to be at this point in time in my life?

These are all great questions that I am sure go though many of our minds.  But in order to get yourself through some of this confusion, to me it always comes back to your personal energy source or what I refer to CHI (Clarity, Harmony, and Inspiration).  If this is not functioning on all cylinders, self-doubt is sure to creep its way into your life.  If you are not cognizant that it is playing an active role in your life you soon will.  If you are not paying close attention it will overtake your life and really cause you to be in a bad state of mind.  Keeping your CHI in check is critical.  Check in with yourself whether it is daily, weekly or monthly.  Whatever you need to do to keep yourself on the right track.  This is the key to success.  The longer you let your CHI diminish in its role to keep you balanced with clarity to be inspired you will be losing your battle with confidence.  You need that internal inner positive energy that CHI provides to give you the strength to move forward.  So my advice to you is to “Check your CHI” on a regular basis.  Stay focused!

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